
J.D. Vance decided to go Twitter in an attempt to advance a red-herring, in which he wants to shift the conversation to his “high level intellectual” conversation about the lies he and Trump have been spreading about Haitian immigrants who are given Temporary Protection in the country, stating lies such as the idea that they are eating cats and dogs.

He posted: “If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020, I could give you a few reasons. But what we're seeing in Springfield really drives it home. Housing costs skyrocketing. Communicable diseases on the rise. Car accidents, crime, and insurance premiums moving up. Citizens complaining for months (or longer) and mostly ignored. But it's not just what's hapening, it's the way our leadership responds to it. Confronted with many of their citizens begging for relief, our broken elites offer only scorn.”

The post, continues on even further, however it appears he wants to shift the conversation away from the lies they’ve been spreading to now a concern about things such as “running out of Medicaid funding” instead of lies like they are eating cats and dogs. It’s a maneuver from a scammer to attempt to change the conversation in his favor, as the backlash is getting so strong, but they are refusing to back down.

Krystal Ball, host of Breaking Points, described this for exactly what it was by stating in response: “When you insist on spreading neo-nazi fueled smears about immigrants leading to bomb threats, it kind of closes the space for this intellectual discussion about pluses and minuses of immigration that you’re now retreating to, dude.”

Ball accurately points out that Vance’s embarrassing attempts at some kind of high level intellectual discourse on the issue have been muddied and unable to be taken seriously because of the clear direction of being openly and overtly racist against the Haitian migrants in Ohio. It makes it clear that this isn’t the medium for this conversation, but rather that he simply wants to make it that way.

However, the Vice Presidential candidate actually jumped into the twitter war, firing back: “Krystal Ball: I really hate neoliberalism. I'm a populist! Also Krystal Ball: Anyone who doesn't think 20,000 cheap laborers should be dropped on a small Ohio town is a neo-nazi.”

It appears that Vance is attempting to gaslight, being insistent that this is somehow about some sort of economic populism and not his clear and overt racism that he is spewing towards those immigrants, as well as Donald Trump. He is insistent on trying to shift the venue of the conversation because he feels it is better to him, going so far as to gaslight the American people into believing something that is completely untrue.

Not only this, but this goes to show that the Saagar Enjeti style of “right-wing populism” doesn’t actually exist. Rather, it’s a pathetic excuse for bigotry, racism, and hatred. It’s not about helping Americans do better economically, it’s about harming other races of people, such as the Haitian migrants we see.

Of course, if the issue raised is homes being too expensive, or the state not having enough Medicaid funding, a populist would simply respond that those should be alleviated by the Federal government simply shifting resources and money because we have given those Haitian migrants temporary protected status. However, as Kyle Kulinski, wife of Krystal Ball and host of the progressive show Secular Talk points out: “Mr. "I'm a populist" JD Vance dodged a question on raising the minimum wage, didn't support the PRO-Act and skipped a vote on extending the child tax credit while virtue signaling like he supports it. You're a fucking fraud. Take you Ivy League, elitist, venture capitalist ass back to the 4chan message board or Peter Theil's dick where you belong. The lie you spread about Haitians is literally from a nazi group 'Blood Tribe'“

Clearly, Vance does not have any credentials to be any flavor or sort of “populist”. I please beg any of the so-called “populist” right wingers, please be open that it’s simply an envelope in which you can stuff bigotry, because there is no place for such racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and hatred in the true economic populist movement. As Kyle pointed out, none of the things that are actually to help American workers, find no support amongst JD Vance.